Why Wander and Soul?
I think Wander and Soul has been a ‘creation in the making’ my entire life.
I am Shawna, the founder of Wander and Soul.
You will meet me hands-on inside the club, and out on our adventures around the world.
The early years of my working life revolved around a successful and evolving career in the food industry, both in educational and sales roles; however, in midlife, wanderlust hit me hard. At that time, I had been working for 35+ years and had never put myself nor my desire to travel first. There was always going to be a tomorrow for that.
But as age crept in, and that tomorrow never came, I knew a change had to be forthcoming, so I stepped out of the years of job security (that we all hold so dearly) and jumped into a career in travel.
What’s better than to work in the life you want. Right?
A few years into my newfound career, I went through a very difficult separation that caused me to look hard at my life and all the things I had delayed or feared…some of which I still did.
I had never dreamt that I may not have a partner to travel with and the realization that solo travel may be my primary option was scary, yet also empowering.
This is how Wander and Soul came to be, even though looking back, I believe every turn of my life was meant to lead me here.
For as long as I can remember, I have always felt like a tiny little person in a massive world.
I am the middle of 6 siblings born over 14 years, with my oldest brother being 7 years older than me and my youngest sister, 7 years behind. While the ‘middle child’ syndrome may be considered by some as a misnomer; I can tell you, that for me it was very real. Closest to me in age, both my older sister and my younger brother had outgoing and adventurous personalities, while I was extremely shy, overly cautious and if I am being completely honest, pretty much scared of absolutely everything and everybody.
Most of my young childhood memories are of insecurities and the constant feeling of not being noticed, and not being loved.
It is this sense of emptiness in my childhood that eventually triggered my desire to travel and explore, and ultimately is how Wander and Soul was born, almost 50 years later.
My ache to feel visible created an adult that strived for perfectionism and recognition in my work life, and a need to do and be everything to everyone in my personal life. A trait that I carried with me throughout the years, resulting in a lot of successes, but also many failures and disappointments; mostly to myself.
I don’t know when it started, but for as long as I can remember, deep down I have always had a bit of a flight fantasy; the idealism that getting on a bus and starting over somewhere completely new would solve everything and suddenly offer that elusive sense of fulfillment.
But as women that isn't what we do.
Instead, we do what we are supposed to do.
We nurture, we raise, we care for and we do everything we are expected to do.
For everyone.
Except perhaps for ourselves.
We give, but sometimes we forget to take.
Or rather, we forget how to take; to give to ourselves.
I know that has been my story. I always wanted to fit in, but I never really did.
I always wanted to be loved, so I loved everyone so hard, but I forgot to love myself.
I always wanted to be accepted, so I accepted unconditionally, but I never really accepted myself.
I was never true to me!
As women we give so much, and then one day we wake up and we feel a little bit empty.
We look in the mirror and wonder where the years went.
And the dreams.
Our children grow up and start on their own paths of amazing adventures and we start remembering the adventures that we once wanted to take.
And then suddenly that little bit of anxiety kicks in. That little voice inside our heads screaming that time is running out.
That time didn't wait!
I am sure that my thoughts and desire to run away is no different from other Boomer and Gen Xer woman, but I realize that as we have gotten older, we have gained wisdom and perspective, and now have the freedom, boldness and inclination to turn that flight response into something much more fulfilling.
It is because of this, that there is no mystery as to why women yearn to travel. As we have done all our lives, we still seek to escape, only now it is a calling to see new places; to experience and to discover. It is the need for self-care and empowerment, and the joy of building a tribe of new friends that may be miles from home.
Too many people look at getting older as something that needs to be fixed, when in fact we are exactly where we need to be – at a new beginning.
We are healthy, active women who aren’t ready to let the ‘old woman’ in. We seek adventure, to savor new cuisines and to meet new people, and now is our time.
This is our second act. Our time to stop making excuses to ourselves and to start living. It’s our time to walk on a beach on the other side of the world, interact with other cultures, eat street food in a foreign country and simply find solace in being the bold women we were always meant to be.
I created Wander and Soul for women like you & I.
Women who are looking forward to the next chapter as we find the courage to put ourselves first and rejuvenate our spirit through exploration, connection, and self-care.
I created Wander and Soul because …
It’s finally our time!
“Wanderlust isn’t about running away from it all. It is about experiencing the outside to discover the inside .”