10 Travel Tips for Your First Solo Female Trip

Solo travel is an incredible experience, full of adventure, self-discovery, and personal growth. However, for many women, the idea of traveling alone can be daunting. But don't let fear hold you back from exploring the world on your own terms! With some planning, preparation, and common sense, solo female travel can be a safe, rewarding, and life-changing experience. In this post, we'll cover some tips and tricks to help you make the most of your solo travels and feel confident doing it!

Research Your Destination

One of the most important things you can do when planning your solo trip is to research your destination thoroughly. Find out what kind of safety concerns you should be aware of and learn about the local customs, laws, and cultural norms. For example, if you’re going to a Muslim country, you will want to be aware if it’s Ramadan while you’re traveling there and make sure that you have appropriate clothing for entering temples and other sacred sites.

Familiarize yourself with the local language. Knowing some of the basics of the local language (please, thank you, hello, good morning, good evening, where is the bathroom, etc.) really goes a long way! Even if you stumble over some of the pronunciation, the locals will really appreciate that you made the effort. The more you know about where you're going, the better prepared you'll be and the more confident you’ll feel.  

Choose Your Accommodations Carefully

When traveling solo, choosing the right accommodations is key. Look for places that are well-reviewed, centrally located, and have good security measures in place. Consider staying in a hostel or guesthouse, where you can meet other travelers and get tips from locals. But if you prefer more privacy, a hotel or an Airbnb might be a better option. No matter which option you choose though, the reviews are priceless, so do your homework!

Pack Light

One of the biggest mistakes solo travelers make is overpacking. Especially if it’s their first trip! It’s helpful to keep in mind that you're the only one who will be carrying your luggage, so make sure it's manageable. Only one bag if you can, and make sure it’s not jam-packed to start out with! Stick to essentials and leave room for souvenirs and new discoveries. You may think that you won’t purchase any souvenirs along the way, but I guarantee that at some point you will find something unique that you won’t want to live without!

Stay Connected

It's important to stay connected with family and friends while traveling alone. Share your itinerary with someone you trust and check in with them regularly. Consider getting an international SIM card or purchasing a local SIM card to stay in touch with loved ones and access the internet. Personally, I use WhatsApp to message my friends and family back home wherever there is Wi-Fi, which is generally available in your accommodation, at cafes, libraries, and more.  It has saved me an absolute fortune over the years!


Blend In

One of the best ways to stay safe while traveling solo is to blend in with the locals. Dress comfortably, and modestly and avoid flashy jewelry or accessories that may draw unwanted attention. The last thing you want is to have to worry about your jewelry getting lost or stolen while you’re traveling. Learning the basic phrases in the local language, and being aware of the local customs and traditions all help to blend in.


Trust Your Gut

As a solo traveler, your intuition is your best friend. It won’t ever let you down and always has your best interest at heart! If something doesn't feel right, trust your gut and take action. Avoid walking alone at night, especially in areas where there aren’t many people around and if you're feeling uncomfortable in a certain area leave immediately. Just like when you’re at home, pay attention to who is around you. If you’re in a pub, don’t leave your drink unattended or accept a drink from anyone but the bartender. That might sound overcautious, but better to play it safe.

Stay Healthy

Staying healthy is crucial when traveling solo. There is nothing worse than being sick while you’re on holiday in another country, especially when you’re on your own! Try to always stay hydrated, get enough rest, and eat nutritious meals. As nutritious as possible anyway! Sometimes despite our best efforts we still end up getting traveler’s diarrhea, catching a cold, or having a whopping hangover after a fun night out. It can be difficult sometimes to find what we need in the local pharmacies (especially if there is a language barrier), so bring any necessary medications or supplements with you. When doing your research ahead of time, it's also helpful for you to be aware of any health risks in the area.


Embrace Solo Time

One of the best things about solo travel is the opportunity to spend time with yourself. Use this time to reflect, journal, and explore your own interests. Take advantage of the freedom to create your own schedule and make your own decisions. It’s when you’re traveling on your own that you tend to discover new things about yourself and get to know who you really are without the expectations and judgments of others clouding everything. You can be anyone you want to be and do anything you want to do. The world is yours!


Meet Other Travelers

Solo travel doesn't mean you have to be alone all the time if you don’t want to be. If you want to connect with others, it’s easy! Usually, when locals hear your different accent, they want to know your story. They want to hear all about where you’ve been and give you tips on places to check out that only the locals know about. I have made many friends over the years by striking up conversations in the pub, at the market, or at tourist attractions. You can also meet other travelers, either in your accommodations or through social activities. Join a tour group or attend a local event to connect with like-minded people.

Enjoy the Journey

Finally, remember to enjoy the journey. Solo travel can be challenging at times if you’re not used to being on your own, but it's also incredibly rewarding. Take in the sights, sounds, and flavours of your destination, and savor every moment. Guaranteed you will come home a different person with a much greater understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Final Thoughts

Solo female travel can be an amazing adventure. With the right mindset, preparation, and safety precautions, you can make the most of your journey and create memories that will last a lifetime. So, go ahead and book that ticket, pack your bags, and get ready for the trip of a lifetime!

If you would like to have your next getaway planned for you, consider joining Wander and Soul’s Travel & Lifestyle Club, where we will craft the perfect one-of-a-kind vacation for you, even if you don’t know exactly what it is that you want yet! Remember, how you travel matters. It’s not just where you go, but how the journey shapes you. Learn more about all the amazing benefits of becoming a member of our Travel & Lifestyle Club here. Or if you love planning and booking all your own holidays, check out Wander Wise, our private DISCOUNT travel booking site where we guarantee the best price on hotels, cruises, car & house rentals, and more!


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