Aruba Cuisine, 10 Dishes You’ll Want to Try
Aruba is on many a bucket list, and for good reason. With white sand beaches and consistent dry, warm weather, sea life you won’t forget, and beachside bars and eateries to soak up island culture, cocktails and cuisine, this little island paradise is the best stress relief medicine to be found.
As the most vibrant island in the Caribbean, Aruba is more than meets the eye. Untouched beaches is just the begininng. A ton of adventures await and there's an endless amount of fun to be had.
But what about the island's food?
Well, that's just as good, maybe even better, especially after a long day of exploration. So, to help you prepare and plan for your trip to the island, here are ten dishes my clients recommend that you must indulge in.
Beachside bars and eateries to soak up the culture, cocktails and cuisine.
1. Seafood
Perhaps the most apparent food to try while on the island is the fish and seafood. In the Caribbean Sea, some of the most amazingly fresh seafood can be found. Take your pick between mahi-mahi, grouper, lionfish, prawn, or red snapper if you're looking for a simple dish to try. However, the options go on forever.
2. Pan Bati
This bread is usually on the side of every main dish served on the island, and with good reason. Pan Bati is a sweet flatbread that dissolves in your mouth. Although it is prepared with simple ingredients, it is far from being dull in flavor.
3. Stews and Soups
Many of the local eateries and restaurants serve traditional Aruban stews and soups. Usually, the stews are full of chicken, fish, or goat meat, although you can still find soups and stews made with beef or lamb as it is made in the states.
4. Ayaca
Dried fruit and cashews adorn this delectable dish of steamed beef wrapped in a banana leaf. That's not all you get, though. There are a ton of ingredients used to create this unique, mouthwatering Venezuelan dish.
5. Keshi Yena
This authentic Aruban meal is a must-try! It includes a ball of cheese stuffed with meat or poultry that is spiced to perfection. Anywhere you go on the tropical island you will find a unique and off-beat version of this dish.
6. Funchi and Banana Hash
This combo is certainly one that packs a lot of tasty flavors! Funchi is fried cornmeal mush, often served with gouda and a side of fried plantains.
7. Authentic Aruban Desserts
Pudding is a big deal in Aruba. You must order a helping of Pan Bollo (bread pudding with Ponche cream or rum, and ice cream) or Bolo di Banana (plantain pudding).
8. Hot Papaya Sauce
Often served on the side of meals, hot papaya sauce is the perfect addition to a meal if you can stand the sweet heat of papaya fruit mashed with hot peppers.
9. Aruba Ariba and a Local Beer
Although it isn't food, the local beer is worth a shot. Balashi is the most popular beer on the island, but there are a ton of delicious choices.
10. Pastechi
Pastechi is a portion of famous Aruban street food. You can find it offered by most street food vendors, and all of them claim to make it best. No matter where you get it, you don't want to miss out on this gouda filled pastry.
It doesn't matter what restaurants or cafes you choose to visit while in Aruba, but make sure you don't leave without indulging in some of the foods mentioned on this list! They are by far some of the greatest, tastiest options on the island. If you would like more information on the most popular restaurants and places to go, consider joining our community, a hub for female travelers, which connects women around the globe to share stories, photos, and experiences. You may even meet your next travel partner! See what our community offers here.