Should Ladies Travel Solo? 8 Tips For The Best Trip

Always wanted to travel solo, but wondering whether ladies should travel alone or are best off in a group? By now, we're sure you've heard many, many reasons why women should NOT travel solo, and we're here to say screw that!

While there are basic safety measures that EVERYONE should have in place while traveling (not just females), you should not put off seeing the abundance of incredible places the world has to offer simply because you're solo.

In fact, solo travel offers an opportunity that no other type of travel does. It allows you to know yourself better, encourages you to step outside your comfort zone, and challenges you to grow as an individual, like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.

These are 8 tips that all ladies traveling solo should bear in mind when planning their great adventure. Of course, we're not brushing safety aside and you should ensure you do adequate research on your destination before you arrive, but these tips will make sure your trip flows smoothly and you get the most enjoyment and fulfillment out of it as possible.

8 Solo Travel Tips For Ladies

  1. Book your flights. Solo travel can feel daunting, especially as a woman, and it's easy to put it off by saying "one day I'd love to travel India all by myself" and never getting around to it, but by actually booking the flights, you'll find it's easier to take all of the other steps towards your trip.

  2. Don't believe the scaremongering. Are we telling you to cast aside all safety advice? Absolutely not. But are we suggesting you do your own research instead of hearing about your cousin's great niece's dog's sister's auntie that got mugged in Timbuktu? That’s more like it. As humans, we love to stay in our comfort bubbles, which means that as soon as you do something outside the norm, you'll be met with some resistance. It's only natural for your loved ones to want you to be safe, but when you finally touch down at your destination, you'll realize that it's a lot safer than the media makes out.

  3. Dress for the culture. There are many countries in the world that strictly observe religions that have a 'dress code' if you will. Before you travel, make sure your outfits are culturally acceptable, as, in some destinations, the locals won't tell you when your outfit is inappropriate, but you can still accidentally offend residents. Examples of this are short dresses in many Middle Eastern countries or showing your shoulders in a temple in Asia.

  4. Pack an emergency outfit in your hand luggage. Lost baggage happens more frequently than we'd like to admit, and if you're traveling to far off shores, you might be in the same outfit for a couple of days. Imagine then, you finally step foot onto foreign soil to find that you can't change your clothes for another two days, because your luggage is still at your layover location. Extra tip: Pack a small self-care pack in your hand luggage that includes a toothbrush and toothpaste, hairbrush, face wash, and moisturizer as well.

  5. Choose a lively hotel. Ladies travel solo all the time, and if you want to meet new friends on your trip, select your hotel with care. Check out reviews to see whether it's a sociable place, as well as whether there's a communal area such as a bar, pool, lounge, etc. If you're struggling to make friends, consider joining our community to connect with other women traveling across the globe. You never know, your future wine buddy might be just around the corner.

  6. Make sure your bank account is travel friendly. Traveling with a traditional bank card is not a good idea. You'll incur all sorts of charges from withdrawal fees to currency conversion fees, and any more they can get away with. Plus, if your card gets blocked (which is always a possibility while traveling), you'll have to try and call the support line in your home country, racking up even more charges. Choose a bank such as Monzo, Revolut, Wise, or Starling, which give you free withdrawals abroad and have mobile apps where you can get support if you need it. There's also the ability to temporarily block your card in the app if it goes missing or you have your purse stolen.

  7. Tell a white lie. I know what you're thinking…."if solo female travel is so safe, why should I have to lie?" And the answer is, you shouldn't. But, unfortunately, just like in your hometown or anywhere else on the globe, there are some people who will take advantage of someone out alone. In some situations, a small lie will help you to remain safe or avoid unwanted attention. For example, some ladies travel with a wedding ring on even if they're not married to avoid being pestered by men at their destination. While it's not often we recommend lying, these are a few that we would advise using if you're speaking with someone you don't know. Yes, I've been here before, my ______ is waiting for me at the hotel, I have family living in the area, and I know this area like the back of my hand.

  8. Download offline maps. It's pretty likely that you'll be without WiFi at some point during your travels, and it's also highly possible that you might get lost. After all, that's half the fun of solo travel, right?! You can download areas on Google Maps or install the app before you travel to ensure you'll always be able to find your way around, even if there's no internet available. 

What To Bring On Your Solo Trip

This blog post isn't intended to be a packing list, but here are a few things to remember to take with you that will save your bacon in more ways than one.

  • Belt bag. Take a belt bag to wear under your clothes on overnight transportation, such as sleeper trains and keep your valuables, such as passport, money, and phone in there. It's also a great item to have with you if you ever feel unsafe in a location.

  • Battery pack. Traveling without a phone can make you feel vulnerable, so ensure yours is always charged by keeping a battery pack with you.

  • Sarong. A sarong is a one-stop wonder that is suitable for any occasion. A site requires you to have your head covered? Sarong. Forgotten to cover your legs for a temple? Sarong. Heading to the beach? Sarong. You get the picture. 

  • A book. Whether it's a travel guide book, a steamy holiday romance, or an encyclopedia of sloths, you'll find that taking a book along with you on your adventures will prevent boredom while waiting for public transport, and take away any awkwardness when dining alone. 

Realizing that ladies travel solo all across the world and there's no reason that you can't too? We hope this post has helped to prepare you for your upcoming adventure and encouraged you to go for it and just press the 'book' button!


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