7 Surprising Benefits Of Solo Travel

Have you decided to start traveling solo for the first time? Or have you been bailed on at the last minute, and just don't want to lose out on the vacation? Either way, there are so many benefits of solo travel that you might never have thought of, and if this is your first solo trip, you won't have experienced yet. Solo travel can seem scary and lonely, but it doesn't have to be either of those things. Quite the opposite, traveling alone can be empowering and exciting, so long as you approach it with the right mindset, which is why we're talking you through some of the benefits of solo travel that might surprise you.

You Get To Know Yourself Better

Do you ever stop to ask yourself whether you like something? Probably not. One of the benefits of traveling solo is that you'll discover new foods, people, and experiences, that you will either love or hate, that will allow you to get to know yourself and your likes and dislikes better, as well as where your strengths lie. On top of that, you will also discover personality traits that have not been able to shine until you set out alone, such as resourcefulness, inner strength, or bravery. You never know, there might be a champion didgeridoo player inside you, just waiting to break free.

There Are More Opportunities To Make Friends

Yes, you absolutely can make new friends while traveling with a partner or girlfriends, BUT, when traveling solo, it is much easier to meet new people, particularly fellow solo travelers. When we're alone in an unfamiliar place, we tend to be more friendly and approachable (oftentimes out of sheer necessity), and are much more likely to strike up a conversation with a stranger over a delicious Arepa than if we were traveling with others. The great part of approaching people while traveling is that you can meet a wide variety of people who are like-minded to you, but with different life experiences to share. If you want to create a diverse group of friends, traveling solo is the best way to do it. Do you want to see if there is another solo female traveler in your area? Join our community where you can make lifelong friends, share travel experiences, and spark interesting conversations by signing up here

It's A Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

There is nothing that is as big a step outside of our comfort zones than landing in a country where we don't speak the language (or at least don't speak it fluently), with one bag, no plans, and no idea what to do or where to go. Traveling is an incredible experience, and one that is a great privilege, but there's no denying that it can be challenging at times. When we're at home, we can often surround ourselves in a big bubble of comfort, with routines that look the same day to day, and particular activities or items that bring us comfort when the world gets a bit too much. When we travel, on the other hand, that bubble has to pop, and we have to discover new routines (or no routines at all), and new ways to comfort ourselves, while allowing ourselves to go through a dramatic period of personal growth. It's all for the best, because as the saying goes…your comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.

You'll Learn To Enjoy Time Alone

It's very rare that we take the time out to enjoy solo experiences in the western world. We think nothing of meeting a friend for dinner or drinks, but most of us wouldn't brave doing the same thing alone. One of the benefits of solo travel is that it forces us into that situation and allows us to discover the simple joy of spending time alone, and surprise ourselves with how much we can enjoy time spent solo, whether that's taking ourselves on a dinner date, enjoying a local gig, or hopping on a scooter and getting lost for the day.

You'll Gain Confidence

The first time you manage to ask directions in broken Spanish, when you manage to make a passable red Thai curry in a cooking class, when you can navigate the way back to your hotel at night without a map, when you can arrange a local SIM card for your phone, or deal with a problematic situation like an ATM eating your bank card, or leaving your phone on a public bus. Each of these experiences (and many more) will fill you with confidence that you CAN do hard things, even with no one else there to lean on. It's amazing what you can achieve when you are forced to depend on yourself. 

You Can Be Completely Selfish

One of the greatest benefits of solo travel is that you don't know anyone. While this may seem daunting for some, it can also be a massive relief as you have no one to answer to, and no fear of being judged by others. It's also an excellent excuse to be completely selfish and not have to please others. Do you want to say no to a night of dancing, for a night of reading in bed? Thinking of waking at 4am to enjoy sunrise on the beach? Want to book a spur of the moment flight to another destination? You're in charge, and it's your way or the highway. There are few times in our lives when we get to enjoy the luxury of everything being about us, so make sure to lap it up while it lasts.

You'll Learn To Trust Yourself

As you get to know yourself on a deeper level, and gain confidence in yourself, you'll also learn to trust yourself more. This might mean you trust your gut instinct that something isn't (or is) right for you, or it might be an overall feeling of trust that you have, that your situation will play out right and your trip will be a success because of the faith you have in yourself. Either way, trusting in yourself the way you would a best friend is an important quality to learn, and traveling solo can help you to develop this skill.

Final Thoughts

Whether you're traveling solo by choice or out of necessity, solo travel is an excellent excuse to get out of your comfort zone. Regardless of age or background, there are endless benefits of solo travel that will allow you ultimate personal growth, and true happiness through the adventures you have and the connections you make.


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