11 Reasons To Visit Italy IMMEDIATELY

Do you even need 11 reasons to visit Italy? How about just 1… it's ITALY! This European country is a land of great diversity, and if you asked a room of people what they associate with Italy, there would be plenty of different answers, from arancini balls to the Trevi fountain, to world-class wines, and the Pope. In this post, we'll be covering the main reasons why you can't leave Italy off of your bucket list.

When Is The Best Time To Visit Italy?

Like the rest of Europe, Italy has four seasons. While you likely think of Italy as a sunny and warm destination year-round, that's not the case. It can get cold, especially in the north of the country during the wintertime. During the summer months of June through to September, you can enjoy long sunny days to explore this beautiful country. Bear in mind that European school holidays fall during July and August, so visiting in either June or September will help you to avoid some of the crowds while still enjoying the perfect weather.

Where Is The Best Place To Stay?

Deciding where to stay depends on the type of trip you want to take. If you're interested in culture and art, staying in Rome would make the most sense for you. If you're planning a romantic trip with your partner, Venice is famed for being popular with lovers. If you're looking for a sunny and relaxing getaway with some friends, the Amalfi coast will suit you the best. Naples is known for making the best pizza in the country, whereas Tuscany is famed for the wine it produces. Italy is an extremely diverse country and there truly is something for everyone. 

11 Reasons To Visit Italy

While we may only be sharing 11 today, there are endless reasons to visit Italy, from its shimmering lakes to its towering peaks, delicious wines,  fine art, and runway fashion.


One of the biggest reasons to visit Italy for a lot of tourists is the art. Unlike in other places, art does not simply hang on the walls of museums but is found everywhere. Some of the best artworks can be found on the street or in churches, such as the Mosè di Michelangelo which is in the Basilica in San Pietro in Vincoli. Other famous works of art include the Sistine Chapel ceiling, and the Mosaics in Santa Maria in Trastevere, created in the 12th century which depict the life of the Virgin Mary.


Italy is up there with the most famous wine regions in the world. Most of the wine is produced in the Tuscany region, which is most known for its red wines. This region is also stunningly beautiful with endless rolling hills, sunshine, and hazy vineyards. If you prefer bubbles, head to Veneto's 'White Wine Road' where you'll be in prosecco heaven.


Mentioning the lakes of Italy might seem a little too general with over 1,500 lakes spread out over the country. We're specifically talking about the large lakes, the top 3 of which are Lake Como, Lake Garda, and Lake Maggiore. The lakes can be found in the northern part of the country, and are the perfect place to unwind and relax, walk, or take part in water activities. Lake Como is the most famous of the lakes, but bear in mind that it attracts the largest crowds because of this. That's not to say it's not worth visiting, the lake itself is still awe-inspiring and the villages are quaint.


An obvious reason to visit Italy is for the food. Italian food is famous all over the world, with other countries trying desperately to recreate the perfect Italian pizza or spaghetti dish, but you won't get better than enjoying these dishes in the country they originated from. Different regions offer different delicacies, so we'll run through the best cities to find some of your favorite dishes. If you're a pizza lover, you'll want to visit Naples, Cagliari is best for seafood, Parma for…yep, you've got it…Parma ham, Milan for risotto, Rome for carbonara, Verona for gnocchi, and Venice for Tiramisu. Have we forgotten anything? Of course, cold and creamy Italian gelato can be slurped up by the bucket load in Sicily. Is your stomach rumbling yet?


From the Trevi fountain to the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and all things in between, including opera music, amphitheaters, and endless monuments. Italy is the number one country in the world for art, culture, and history which is shown by its 58 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. This relatively small country tucked up in the south of Europe is home to over 5% of all World Heritage Sites.

The Dolomites

The Italian Dolomite mountain range stretches across the northeast of the country and is part of the Alps which are spread across several European countries. In the winter, you can enjoy the powdery perfection of ski season, and in the summer, the Dolomites make for great hiking trips.

The Amalfi Coast

The Amalfi Coast may only be 30 miles long, but don't get tricked into thinking it's not a fantastic stand-alone destination. It's known for its pastel buildings and cliff-top views, and with its small, picture-perfect villages, deep azure seas, and delicious Limoncello liqueur, there's no reason not to add this destination to your itinerary.


Another of the main reasons that visitors love to visit Italy is to explore the ancient capital, Rome. The city of Rome really does have it all and is a melting pot of art, architecture, food, history, and culture. Rome is the perfect place to marvel at something, or more likely everything, with buildings such as the Colosseum which was built almost 2,000 years ago and was famed for housing gladiator fights. While you're in Rome, be sure to toss a cent into one of the many fountains and chow down on a big plate of carbonara!

Vatican City

Vatican City is the smallest country in the world and is found in the center of Rome. It's the home of the Roman Catholic church, and the Pope lives within its confines. Only 800 people live in Vatican City and they are all connected to the church and crucial to its operations, however, you can visit its many museums and churches, including the Sistine Chapel and St Peter's Basilica.


With such thriving and bustling cities throughout the country, most people would think Italy would be dangerous for solo travelers, and especially females. That's just not the case. Whether you're traveling solo, or with a group of girlfriends, rest assured, you'll feel safe on the streets of Italy. The country has relatively few violent crimes, and the most common crime is petty theft, which is a frequent issue in major cities all across the world. As long as you use common sense when wandering, you'll be fine.


The variety of everything that the country has to offer is one of the main reasons to visit Italy, and what draws tourists in. From adventure seekers to nature lovers, to culture enthusiasts and food fanatics, everyone can find something that pulls them to Italy and that is the beauty of this country. If you would like to get more travel tips or share some of your own, consider joining our community and connect with other female travelers just as passionate about travel as you are!

Final Thoughts

As we mentioned, there are PLENTY more reasons to visit Italy, but we hope that at least one of these piques your interest and has you adding Italy to your bucket list. 


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